Sunbitterns are birds you’ve likely encountered on nature shows or television. Their male has an amusing courtship display involving opening up its wings to reveal an amazing sun pattern on them! At around the size of a Snowy Egret, these tiny gems of water don’t go unnoticed! Whilst in Costa Rica we had an amazing opportunity to witness a nesting pair. Capturing these images proved difficult at times as I needed to shoot from both a bridge and road to get good shots. That may not sound like much until you have experienced driving on Costa Rica’s narrow mountain roads with local drivers who drive at a breakneck speed and experience first-hand their dangerous methods of navigation. Not to mention how harsh and spotty light was throughout the morning – an issue made worse by shimmer. There was something mysterious and magical about this nesting pair. However, when their two adorable children peeked their heads out and looked around them, my cameras nearly melted from cuteness alone! In conclusion, my sunburn was well worth the experience – our Sunbittern moment truly special!